De Pankraker was born in the depths of the underground, a rebellious radio program that delved into a cluster of metal sub-genres known for their daring sonic and visual transgressions. By 2022, it had expanded its reach with a magazine, and in 2023, it emerged from the shadows with its own festival. Now, in 2024, we proudly unveil De Pankraker Records, delving even deeper into the abyss with a distro and label. Metal for demons!!
Feel free to submit your work for release, but keep in mind our vibe: we're all about serving up dishes that are cold and old-school. No fancy stuff, no technicalities, and definitely no triggered drums. Contact: peter (dot) cousaert (at) gmail (dot) com or use the contact page.
DPK 001 Witchfukker - Tapestry of Unspeakable Horrors (soon to be released)